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Create a modifier


You can specify different modifiers for different options in a variation. When you build child products using options in variations, the properties of a child products depends on the modifier set for the options that are applied to the child product.

The table below describes the different types of modifiers.

ModifierData TypeEffect
name_equalsstringOverrides the name of the child product with the name specified by the modifier.
name_appendstringAppends the string specified in the modifier to the name of the child product.
name_prependstringPrepends the string specified in the modifier to the name of the child product.
description_equalsstringOverrides the description of the child product.
description_appendstringAppends the string specified in the modifier to the description of the child product.
description_prependstringPrepends the string specified in the modifier to the product description of the child product.
commodity_typestringSets the commodity type of the child product, such as physical or digital.
pricestringAllows application of price modifiers (price_increment, price_decrement, and price_equals) to the child products.
price_incrementstringIncreases the price of the child product.
price_decrementstringDecreases the price of the child product.
price_equalsstringSets the price of a child product to the amount you specify.
slug_appendstringAppends the string specified in the modifier to the slug of the child product. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore, and period. Spaces or other special characters like ^, [], *, and $ are not allowed. However, for the slug-builder modifier, you can use {} in the seek field, for example, "seek": :{COLOR}".
slug_prependstringPrepends the string specified in the modifier to the slug of the child product. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore, and period. Spaces or other special characters like ^, [], *, and $ are not allowed. However, for the slug-builder modifier, you can use {} in the seek field, for example, "seek": :{COLOR}".
slug_builderstringSets a part of the slug of the child product. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore, and period. Spaces or other special characters like ^, [], *, and $ are not allowed. However, for the slug-builder modifier, you can use {} in the seek field, for example, "seek": :{COLOR}".
sku_equalsstringSets the SKU of the child product.
sku_appendstringAppends the string specified in the modifier to the SKU of the child product.
sku_prependstringPrepends the string specified in the modifier to the SKU of the child product.
sku_builderstringSets a part of the SKU of the child product.
statusstringSets the status of the child product, such as draft or live.


Path Parameters

    variationID stringrequired

    A unique identifier for the variation.

    optionID stringrequired

    A unique identifier for the option.


    data objectrequired
    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [product-variation-modifier]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always product-variation-modifier.

    attributes objectrequired
    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [commodity_type, status, price, name_append, name_prepend, name_equals, sku_append, sku_prepend, sku_equals, sku_builder, slug_append, slug_prepend, slug_equals, slug_builder, description_append, description_prepend, description_equals, custom_inputs_equals, build_rules_equals, locales_equals, upc_ean_equals, mpn_equals, external_ref_equals]

    You can specify different modifiers for different options in a variation. When you build child products using options in variations, the properties of a child products depends on the modifier set for the options that are applied to the child product. See Create a Modifier.

    value string

    Required for non-builder modifiers. The value of the modifier type.

    seek string

    Required for builder modifiers. The sub-string to find and replace enclosed in curly brackets for slug_builder and sku_builder.

    set string

    Required for builder modifiers. The value to replace matches the seek string for slug_builder and sku_builder.

    reference_name string

    A name for the modifier.


Successfully returns the created modifier

    data object
    id string

    A unique identifier for a modifier that is generated automatically when a modifier is created.

    type string

    Possible values: [product-variation-modifier]

    This represents the type of resource object being returned. Always `product-variation-modifier'.

    attributes object
    type string

    Possible values: [commodity_type, status, price, name_append, name_prepend, name_equals, sku_append, sku_prepend, sku_equals, sku_builder, slug_append, slug_prepend, slug_equals, slug_builder, description_append, description_prepend, description_equals, custom_inputs_equals, build_rules_equals, locales_equals, upc_ean_equals, mpn_equals, external_ref_equals]

    You can specify different modifiers for different options in a variation. When you build child products using options in variations, the properties of a child products depends on the modifier set for the options that are applied to the child product. The table below describes the different types of modifiers.

    | Modifier | Data Type | Effect | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | name_equals | string | Overrides the name of the child product with the name specified by the modifier. | | name_append | string | Appends the string specified in the modifier to the name of the child product. | | name_prepend | string | Prepends the string specified in the modifier to the name of the child product. | | description_equals | string | Overrides the description of the child product. | | description_append | string | Appends the string specified in the modifier to the description of the child product. | | description_prepend | string | Prepends the string specified in the modifier to the product description of the child product. | | commodity_type | string | Sets the commodity type of the child product, such as physical or digital. | | price | string | Allows application of price modifiers (price_increment, price_decrement, and price_equals) to the child products. | | price_increment | string | Increases the price of the child product. | | price_decrement | string | Decreases the price of the child product. | | price_equals | string | Sets the price of a child product to the amount you specify. | | slug_append | string | Appends the string specified in the modifier to the slug of the child product. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore, and period. Spaces or other special characters like ^, [], *, and $ are not allowed. However, for the slug-builder modifier, you can use {} in the seek field, for example, "seek": :{COLOR}". | | slug_prepend | string | Prepends the string specified in the modifier to the slug of the child product. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore, and period. Spaces or other special characters like ^, [], *, and $ are not allowed. However, for the slug-builder modifier, you can use {} in the seek field, for example, "seek": :{COLOR}". | | slug_builder | string| Sets a part of the slug of the child product. Can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, hyphen, underscore, and period. Spaces or other special characters like ^, [], *, and $ are not allowed. However, for the slug-builder modifier, you can use {} in the seek field, for example, "seek": :{COLOR}". | | sku_equals | string | Sets the SKU of the child product. | | sku_append | string | Appends the string specified in the modifier to the SKU of the child product. | | sku_prepend | string | Prepends the string specified in the modifier to the SKU of the child product. | | sku_builder | string | Sets a part of the SKU of the child product. | | status | string | Sets the status of the child product, such as draft or live. |

    value string

    Required for non-builder modifiers. The value of the modifier type.

    seek string

    Required for builder modifiers. The sub-string to find and replace enclosed in curly brackets for slug_builder and sku_builder.

    set string

    Required for builder modifiers. The value to replace matches the seek string for slug_builder and sku_builder.

    reference_name string

    The name of the modifier.

    meta object
    owner string

    Possible values: [organization, store]

    The owner of the resource, either organization or store.

Authorization: http

name: bearerAuthtype: httpscheme: bearer
curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"type": "product-variation-modifier",
"attributes": {
"type": "commodity_type",
"value": "string",
"seek": "string",
"set": "string",
"reference_name": "string"
Request Collapse all
Base URL
— pathrequired
— pathrequired
  "data": {
    "type": "product-variation-modifier",
    "attributes": {
      "type": "commodity_type",
      "value": "string",
      "seek": "string",
      "set": "string",
      "reference_name": "string"

Click the Send API Request button above and see the response here!